
Forum Spotlight

Have you checked out our awesome new forums yet?

We’ve upgraded, but the changes aren’t just visual. There’s a whole bunch of new features, too! Here are some of the new ways that you can participate in the Dawn of War community!


Now when a user posts a discussion or a comment, you can respond to their post using Reactions! Reactions are a great way to vouch for the posts you like to see most. It’s a way for all of you to help build the community you want to see!

All of your Reactions will appear on your forum profile. Better yet, acquiring positive Reactions will unlock Badges!


Badges are earned by accumulating positive Reactions, posting comments, and celebrating your account’s anniversary. Badges are also awarded to community members who stream Dawn of War content on Twitch, upload videos to YouTube, and create mods for our previous titles.

We’re planning on adding more badges in the future. If there’s any you’d like to see, let us know in the forums!


Earning badges will grant you points, which are displayed on your profile. Get enough points and you’ll level up! As you gain levels (or as we call them – Tiers), your forum banner will change to reflect your social mastery!

  • Tier I: 0 points
  • Tier II: 50 points
  • Tier III: 100 points
  • Tier IV: 500 points
  • Tier V: 1,000 points

You can earn your first badge by leaving a comment here!

We have lots of plans to keep our forums feeling fresh, and to give you a direct source for all things Dawn of War. Stick around, have fun, and thanks for being part of our community!

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